sábado, 18 de abril de 2009

Kurt Carr e The Kurt Carr Singers - Just The Beginning 2008

CD 1
1. Beginning, The
2. Overture
3. Peace And Favor Rest On Us
4. Grateful People Grateful Praise - (featuring Nakitta Clegg/Donyle Jones)
5. God Is A Healer - (featuring Faith Howard)
6. God Is A Healer [Reprise] - (featuring Gene Moore Jr.)
7. I Am The One (Luke 17:11) - (featuring Pastor Destry Bell/Nikki Potts)
8. Kurt Ministers
9. Just The Beginning - (featuring Vonnie Lopez)
10. Introduction
11. I Believe God - (featuring Timiney Figueroa-Caton)
12. Right Time Right Place
13. Thank God For the Sanctuary
14. I Exist To Give You Praise
15. Don`T Let Your Light Go Out
16. Great Jesus

CD 2

1. My Shepherd (Psalms23) - (featuring Avalon)
2. Testimony
3. Spiritual Makeover - (featuring Nakitta Clegg)
4. Great Jesus
5. Blessed Be The Rock - (featuring Troy Bright/Michelle Prather)
6. Blessed Be The Rock [Reprise]
7. Ten Thousand One Million - (featuring Vonnie Lopez)
8. Introducing Narcissus Hinton-Brown
9. Don`t Let Your Light Go Out
10. We Exist To Give You Praise - (featuring Troy Bright/Yvette Williams)

Conheça mais informações deste trabalho (AQUI)

Iniciar Download (Voz) CD 1
Iniciar Download (Voz) Cd 2

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Santa Fé, Paraná, Brazil
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